 - The Quill Pen Ten -
15, 2005 - February 21, 2005
Welcome to another edition of the Quill Pen Ten. Veterans of the OpinionEditorials.com community know it as the QPT. The QPT is a collection of the ten most-interesting and most-popular op-eds of the preceding
The QPT is brought to you by your friends at Frontiers of Freedom. Frontiers is a non-profit, non-partisan
public policy organization dedicated to protecting the constitutional rights of all Americans and restoring constitutional
limits on the extent and power of government.
Presenting the Quill Pen Ten:
Kerry Marsala: Dean the DNC's New Head Cheerleader! HEEEYAAAWWWW!!!!! The DNC competitors didn’t stand a chance against the lethal perky injections of
former presidential campaigner Dr. Howard Dean. I liken the skills of Dr. Dean to be closely paralleled to the wily acts performed
by the most popular girl in your hometown high school who won (by any means possible) the head cheerleading position for your
schools cheer squad. Just like that driven spirited popular girl who always won “perkiest personality,” Dr. Dean’s
abilities are louder, falser, perkier and the best at creating a bogus emotional frenzy of cataclysmic ecstasy...
Jane Novak: Will the US Media Please Stand Up? Bush Derangement Syndrome (BDS) is continuing to spread at an epidemic rate through the
US media. The syndrome is characterized by blindness to anything other than US transgressions, paranoia regarding the US government,
delusions of conspiracy, and a feverish hostility toward President Bush...
Chad Allen: The Laughter of Dean & the Deaniacs Just over a year ago, Doctor Howard Dean was the talk of Washington or at least on Capitol
St. in D.C., home of the Democratic National Committee. In his quest for the Democratic Party’s presidential nomination,
he ruffled plenty of feathers among the Democratic Elite, yet he was a captivating figure, a political Robin Hood, if you
will. He turned the world of politics upside down and through efficient and wise Internet communications, put much of the
nominating power back into the hands of Joe Democrat...
Alan Oxley: 'Mega Diverse' Countries Against Markets The Greens have always disliked free markets. It is one reason they hate the World Trade
Organization (WTO). Now they have a have fresh offensive. They are pushing an international convention to weaken intellectual
property rights by overriding established trade law...
Chris Adamo: Saint Hillary and Reverend Dean? Don’t Believe It! Howard Dean, the new chairman of the Democratic National Committee, and Senator Hillary Clinton (D.-NY) jointly hold the
dubious distinction of being the only major public figures with less credibility than Mahmoud Abbas...
Matthew Holmes: The Party of Convictions...Sort Of Apparently, some Americans are confused by the political tactic of promoting an anti-war,
anti-religion, liberal to "fix" a party that was dominated in the last election by a country of Christians that love their
military and support the War on Terror. But it makes perfect sense to liberal Democrats. How else do you explain the
elevation (is being DNC Chairman a reward or a punishment?) of Howard "The Scream Machine" Dean to the chairmanship of the
Democratic Party?
AS Burns: Why I'm not a Liberal anymore.... I hate to admit it but I have to. I can’t take Liberals anymore. I tried to be
open minded. I tried to realize there are many points of view. But even the Liberals I know that I never used to consider
radical have made me crazy. I don’t get them. And I can’t respect them. It’s just gone too far. It’s
all in their answers...
Hans Zeiger: Two Decades It is my twentieth birthday. When I became an American two decades ago at 9:33 in the
evening, Tacoma General Hospital, I was a survivor of abortion. Every child born in those days, and in the twelve years prior
and in all the years since, has been a survivor. If ever birth cries were justified, mine were. I had much to mourn.
Lee P Butler: Dr. Rice Won’t Play The Usual Foreign Policy Games ...Then the first African-American female Secretary of State took the podium and she
presented the world with her first major speech on foreign policy. Standing in the heart of the lion’s den, Dr. Condoleezza
Rice addressed the world from Paris, France and stared the beast down in a way few other American diplomats have in a long
Gary Fitleberg: Targeting Iran's Terrorism: U.S. Tough on Tehran Policy “Axis of Evil” nation and state supporter of terrorism Iran is the very next
target of America in the international war on terrorism. Imagine a corrupt dictatorship, human rights violator, ruthless repressive
regime, stae supporter of terrorism and tyranny armed with missiles that can carry nuclear weapons of mass destruction in
the hands of extremist, fanatical, fundamentalist Islamists. Well the imagination will soon be the reality.
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