Here is a little information on St Nicholas. He was the man that Santa Claus became modeled
Here is a web site to fill in the blanks
I agree with your article, but want to emphasise that St Nicholas was a real man who’s
bones were entoumbed
In Myra around Dec 6 343 ad Now known as Demre, Turkey
So to say that
Santa clause isn’t a Christian concept is even wrong technically.
I agree that
the goofy Christmas stories , although fun to watch tend to detract from the real reason for the season.
I never told
my son there was a Santa Clause, he new that the presents came from me.
He is now serving
in the Air Force.
Maybe if anything
needed changed would be that Christians drop the pretense that there is a Santa. If your not good Santa knows and you won’t
get any presents.
Keep up the good
Alan Young
PS: My home church is call the CEC Community
of St. Nicholas ( .
- The Quill Pen Ten -
27, 2004 - January 3, 2005
Dear Friends and Fans of,
The past year has been the best for The site
traffic has been growing substantially and an increasing amount of new writers have been submitting their work each day.
Keep in mind that it is your work that makes successful.
2004 will be hard to beat, we are confident that this year will be even better. Look for improvements on the website
and the much anticipated book (The 101 Best of in the near
We are excited to start a new year with you all.
Welcome to another edition of the Quill Pen Ten. Veterans of the community know it as the QPT. The QPT is a collection of the ten most-interesting and most-popular op-eds of the preceding
The QPT is brought to you by your friends at Frontiers of Freedom. Frontiers is a non-profit, non-partisan
public policy organization dedicated to protecting the constitutional rights of all Americans and restoring constitutional
limits on the extent and power of government.
Presenting the Quill Pen Ten:
Lee P Butler: Why Democrats Would Want To Remove Christmas From The Public Realm And the attacks against the Christian celebration of the birth of Jesus continue. There
are actually two aspects to the recognition of the holiday of Christmas. One is the religious celebration of the birth of
Jesus that has always been represented on December 25th. The birth of Jesus is an enigmatic moment in the history of the Christian
faith and as such lends itself to a special observance that should be beyond reproach no matter how blatantly biased a person
may be.
Bonnie Chernin Rogoff: "Evil" Corporations - Not Hollywood - Help Tsunami Victims As the death toll rises above 125,000 with countless injured, widowed and orphaned there
has been a rush of aid and supplies to millions of the tsunami’s victims. Assistance came from a variety of “unlikely”
sources, such as President Bush and large corporations, much to the chagrin of the liberal media and Hollywood elite. The
network news bureaus and largely liberal entertainment industry have remained eerily silent regarding this devastating global
crisis. Indeed, at this time of year most of the entertainers go on winter holiday to the slopes or sunny beaches. To date,
they have ignored the crisis rather than help the relief efforts and lend their support for donations.
Justin Darr: The Attack on All Holidays Americans have had may victories this past Christmas season against anti-Christian forces
and, in the words of William F. Buckley, taken a stand against political correctness by “yelling 'Stop,' at a time when
no one is inclined to do so.” But Christmas is over now, and by this time visions of Christmas sugarplums are probably
dancing rapidly out of your head giving way to the traditional debates of when to take down the Christmas tree, how long is
too long to leave the Christmas lights up, and just how are you going to purge the living room of mounds of wrapping paper.
However, one thing that Americans should not pack away until next Christmas along with Santa’s cookie plate is our dedication
to protect the Christmas holiday from the politically correct forces who seek to destroy it.
Helen and Peter Evans: A Meaningful U.N. Resolution New Year's is traditionally the time that we resolve to make changes that will improve
our lives. We're going to suggest a resolution that will not help you lose 20 pounds, stop smoking or help you remember birthdays
and anniversaries. This resolution will instead save the American taxpayers billions of dollars. To do this you must resolve
to write to your representatives in federal government demanding that the United States get out of the United Nations and
the United Nations get out of the United States. Do this now and continue to goad them every month, as well as support any
efforts that will limit the power of the United Nations.
Kerry Marsala: Happy New Year…is that politically correct? With the political correctness of the elites running amok I am not sure whether saying
“Happy New Year” would be acceptable or politically correct. After all that wouldn’t be recognizing so many
other nationalities and their new year…now would it? How about “Happy anytime or place you wish to be in this
space time continuum?” Would that satisfy? Doubt it.
Merrill Bender: Congressional Resolution for a Better Year in 2005 The New Year is upon us and it is the time to reflect and be resolved to change something
in our lives for the better. Though there may be several items we may consider for ourselves and our families, most people
choose one and strive to stick with it. My wish is that the US Congress and the Executive branch will focus the majority of
their Domestic Agenda on one key Piece of Tax Reform Legislation that will make a brighter future for every family in America
and have a ten fold economic benefit to the country. The Fair Tax Legislative Package (HR 25) has over 55 Co-sponsors in the
House and Senate with more waiting to sign on in the new Congress in 2005.
Edward L. Daley: In No Uncertain Terms I'm getting damned tired of being made to feel like I have to defend the United States
of America against accusations made by people from other countries who consistently prove themselves to be lacking in any
respectability or honor whatsoever, and I think it's about time I expressed a few of my more contentious views concerning
the "international community" in general.
Chuck Muth: American Idle: The New American Dream Larry Elder penned a rather disturbing column recently. He noted that, “According
to the World Almanac 2005, nearly 70 percent of black children are born outside of wedlock.” And children born into
such circumstances, not surprisingly, end up having a LOT more problems than kids born into a married household. Go figure.
Vincent Fiore: The Tsunami and George W. Bush Have you heard the news? America, under the leadership of George W. Bush, has managed
to raise the very oceans against humanity--unintended of course--as a direct result of Americas’ failure to recognize
the hazards of capitalism and the driving of it--via their millions of SUV’s.
Dustin Hawkins: Yet Another Year Bites the Dust 2004 was a year not to be quickly forgotten. It was a year of natural disasters. There
were hurricanes and earthquakes, a massive tsunami and, of course, Theresa Heinz-Kerry. It was the year of elections, from
those in the United States to those in Afghanistan and Ukraine. A great defender of freedom passed on in Ronald Reagan, as
did the “father of modern terrorism," Yasser Arafat.