Ah, those contemptible tax hike fighting state House
and Senate Republicans are at it again. Dont they realize everyone knows that when they try to balance the budget by creating
an efficient fiscal government through controlled spending, cuts in wasteful legislative expenditures and doing so without
a modicum of thought to raising taxes on hard working North Carolinians its based on nothing more than cupidity?
the fact that Senate Democrats budgeted $499.3 million in tax increases for fiscal year 2004 and $639.6 million in fiscal
year 2005, that included increased taxes on income, sales, food, candy, and soft drinks.
"This budget, over the biennium,
increases taxes over a billion dollars. It increases spending by $700 million a year. And thats not the way we need to go
if we want to take advantage of the economic recovery thats on the horizon." Prospective gubernatorial hopeful Senator Patrick
Ballantine (R-New Hanover) was quoted recently.
Senator Ballantine along with other prominent Republicans offered
various cost effective budget amendment alternatives that included saving $200 million by eliminating thousands of vacant
state government jobs and $42 million through the consolidation of 39 different worker-training programs. These alternatives
would have more than compensated for the Democrats redundant craving for raising taxes, with an added stipend of using the
additional funds for teacher assistants, school custodians and prescription drugs for North Carolinian senior citizens.
this Senate Republican alternative budget was defeated as all 28 Democrats voted against it and have consistently denied passage
of Republican submissions since. But its the dastardly GOP who keeps the blame for holding up progress in passing a budget
because of their inane adherence to basic Conservative Republican ideology of protecting everyone, but in this case North
Carolinians, from excessive taxation despite mendacious claims of being controlled by campaign contributions.
Carolina Democrats continue to lament their disdain for the Tobacco industry through their constant attacks in the media and
support for million dollar lawsuits, then they turn to suffering tobacco farmers and offer words of consolation that ring
hollow in light of their actions as they strive tirelessly to tax those farmers livelihood into oblivion.
dont seem to understand that when big tobacco companies are sued, that money doesnt actually come from the companies themselves,
but from the increased prices those companies then charge the consumer. These politicians then want to raise taxes on that
same product which ultimately costs the little man they claim to champion even more. Many states already have a high tax on
tobacco yet those states still have worse budget problems than we do!
Republicans have to fight politicians whose
only answer for budgetary problems is always to raise taxes, because tax increases never lead to tax decreases, they only
produce an escalation of the burden placed on working middle class families. Both sides need to compromise on a budget, but
not at the expense of the state's citizens.
Lee P. Butler