What exactly is the importance of school uniforms as
it relates to the functionality of any public school system and it's rationale towards the promotion of individualism among
the student population?
In the mid-Nineties a socialist mentality of deconstructing the familial attitude of promoting
individuality began to grow in pitch throughout the politically correct community. Liberals saw this as an opportunity for
them to create a new and wonderful bastion of attacks on working middle class families despite the reality that promoting
individualism had prospered in American society for centuries.
One of the largest venues that could best be used to
advance this liberal agenda quickly and reach the most people effectively was through the public school system. In the world
of the politically correct, the public school system is not a center for the advancement of higher education and a communal
setting where our children can learn about relationships, the need to work with others and the importance of striving to be
the best you can be.
No, for these people the public school system should be a socialistic society of governmental
intervention in which no child should be allowed to excel beyond their peers academically, athletically or socially. Pushing
the envelope a little farther to the left, these people want the public schools to be governmentally funded daycare, such
as Governor Easley's More at Four program, where kids can be taught all societal lessons in lieu of the parents.
liberal steamroller began to really lay tarmac on the landscape of America at the behest of ex-president Bill Clinton in his
1996 State of the Union Address where he announced, "I challenge all our schools to teach character education, to teach good
values and good citizenship." That's really touching, but isn't it enough that our already over-stressed teachers should simply
educate our children and leave the rest up to the parents?
He continued in the same speech, "And if it means that
teenagers will stop killing each other over designer jackets, then our public schools should be able to require their students
to wear school uniforms." Is that really the crux of the issue that started the maelstrom of school uniforms? Or did it just
open the door for liberals to attack over-achievers and limit individuality through the oft-used tactic of envy and class
warfare. Private schools don't have these problems and they have uniforms, they theorized.
Every time liberals pit
the poor against the rich it is the working middle class who ultimately pays the price. These families make up the largest
group of constituents in the school uniform debate and whether they're for or against uniforms, cost is the most poignant
issue of all to them. Is the financial strain this issue puts on these families really necessary to create an environment
of conformity and constraint in the county school system? Should every family in effect be punished fiscally because a few
parents aren't providing or making sure that their children are wearing clothing that adheres to the school dress code?
may have a choice in deciding to work in a profession that requires you to wear a uniform that may or may not be provided
by the employer, but if a school mandates a uniform policy, you have no choice. If a school requires uniforms, that decision
should reflect the social attitude of the community it serves and nothing more. Having children wear the same clothing doesn't
change the individualism that's expressed through each child's ideology, intellect, and creativity. These things can't be
governmentally mandated or subsidized through the use of school uniforms, they are best nurtured in the family environment.
Lee P. Butler