- The Quill Pen Ten -
April 20, 2006 - April 26, 2006

you have your copies yet?
On Politics and Policy: The Best of George C. Landrith Now, in a collection of his most popular and sometimes most controversial op-eds, George Landrith takes his shots
at junk science, high-profile liberals, big government hypocrites, media bias, and more.
- Is global warming a reality that deserves serious attention
or a myth perpetuated by leftist scientists and Hollywood liberals?
- Does America's mainstream media bring you unbiased, unfiltered
news, or is there a legitimate liberal media bias that paints their reporting?
- Do liberals get a bad rap as being soft on defense or do
they really operate under the "John Kerry Global Test" doctrine that requires international permission slips to defend America?
All good questions you might ask your neighbor, your
know-it-all brother-in-law, or Dan Rather.
Americans on Politics, Policy, and Pop Culture: The 101 Best Opinion Editorials from Opeds.com - Vol.
1 Americans on Policy, Politics, and Pop Culture contains 101 of the best op-eds published to date at OpinionEditorials.com.
In it you’ll find a wide variety of short pieces on everyone from President George W. Bush to John Kerry.
also find opinions both poignant and humorous on:
- Janet Jackson’s wardrobe malfunction
- CBS’ newsroom malfunction
- Howard Dean’s brain malfunction
What other book offers you that?
Welcome to another edition of
the Quill Pen Ten. Veterans of the OpinionEditorials.com community know it as the QPT. The QPT is a collection of the
ten most-interesting and most-popular op-eds of the preceding week.
The QPT is brought to
you by your friends at Frontiers of Freedom. Frontiers is a non-profit, non-partisan public policy organization dedicated
to protecting the constitutional rights of all Americans and restoring constitutional limits on the extent and power of government.
Presenting the Quill Pen Ten:
Frank Salvato: What Ever Happened to Reforming the UN? For a moment, fleeting as it was, there was hope that the ultimatum crafted by US Representative Henry Hyde (R-IL) calling
on the United Nations to reform would work. Hyde’s legislation tied reform to the monetary contributions (dues) by the
United States. But with politicos on Capitol Hill watering down the legislation and the United Nations proposing a new human
rights council that may very well boast Cuba as a member, it seems that a subject that has drifted from sight has also drifted
out of mind...
Chris Adamo: Corporate America’s Vanishing Allegiance The European Union is in tatters, which admittedly is not a bad thing. Yet the particular reasons for its continuing collapse
portend a dark future for the continent that once defined Western Civilization. In short, the EU represented a futile attempt
to forge a multi-national consensus on almost purely economic terms, purposely devoid of past loyalties to individual nationalism
or any vestige of spiritual truth...
R. E. Smith Jr.: Dowdy on Rummy It would be comical if it wasn’t so pathetic: the press attack on Secretary of Defense Donald Rumsfeld in their
latest attempt to “Get Bush.” They hate it when President Bush defends his choice of defense secretary, or any
other of his selections of people to serve in government. And they’re livid when Mr. Rumsfeld dares defend his record
and good name, they impugn. He’s “headstrong,” they say, and worse, he has no “humility.” He
won’t bow to their sanctimonious expectations...
Jim Kouri, CPP: CIA Canning Officer for Leaking Classified Info a Good Start It was bound to happen: The Central Intelligence Agency summarily terminated the employment of a senior officer for leaking
classified information to news organizations, including secret intelligence for stories appearing in the Washington Post that
revealed the agency maintained a network of secret detention facilities overseas for high-ranking terror suspects...
Vance McDonald: The Real World Today “You [Americans] have to be subdued. We [Muslims] have to be above you.” – Testimony of convicted September
11th, 2001 mass murderer Zacarias Moussaoui...
Jan Larson: Free Speech Ignorance The debate over abortion has raged for over three decades and there is nothing to suggest that this debate will cease
any time soon. Among the places where one would expect to be a venue for vigorous debate on that subject and many others are
university campuses. Unfortunately, one professor recently decided to encourage students to squelch a point of view contrary
to her own...
Lee Ellis: Why the Polls are Low for President Bush and his Administration? "Bush polls have fallen to a new low," shout the newspaper headlines or the news anchors on television. "President Bush
and Congress have reached their lowest numbers yet," they continue, trying to speculate whether this is caused by the high
gasoline prices, the current economy, or the war in Iraq...
Nancy Salvato: A Think Tank’s Credibility Tanks I was amused, as I’m sure are many others, to read about a group of education researchers involved in what is being
called, “The Think Tank Review Project”. Driving my laughter was the discovery that the funding for this endeavor
comes from the Great Lakes Center for Education Research and Practice. The Board of Directors for this organization reads
like a “who’s who” of NEA and Midwest Education Association executives...
Lee P. Butler: Running Rummy Out On A Rail So why do the six generals and their sudden sycophantic cheerleaders on the Left hate Secretary of Defense Donald Rumsfeld
so much?...
Joe Bell: America's Embrace Of Casual Morality That America has changed morally from our parents’ generation, not for the better, is illustrated in a variety of
ways, including in the advice columns that appear in the newspapers. Today’s Ann Landers have bowed to modernity and
we are the worse off for it. Recently Kathy Mitchell and Marcy Sugar, who offer advice in their Annie’s Mailbox column,
gave some disturbing advice to a soldier whose wife had an affair while he was serving in Iraq...
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