- The Quill Pen Ten -
January 5, 2006 - January 11, 2005
Welcome to another edition
of the Quill Pen Ten. Veterans of the OpinionEditorials.com community know it as the QPT. The QPT is a collection of the
ten most-interesting and most-popular op-eds of the preceding week.
The QPT is brought to
you by your friends at Frontiers of Freedom. Frontiers is a non-profit, non-partisan public policy organization dedicated
to protecting the constitutional rights of all Americans and restoring constitutional limits on the extent and power of government.
Presenting the Quill Pen Ten:
Mike Bates: History, Henry Ford and the minimum wage On this date in 1914, Henry Ford made history once again.
The auto manufacturer established an unheard of $5.00 a day minimum wage in his factories...
Chris Adamo: Republican Culpability for Republican Woes A mindset of “acceptable risk” is spreading throughout
the federal government with regards to the War on Terror. The most recent example of this dangerous behavior involves the
Patriot Act, which appears to be in its death throes, if not already defunct...
Frank Salvato: The Special Interest Trough Leads to Corrupted
Politics The issue of money in politics is always one that leaves
the American people feeling as though there is corruption running rampant through our government. Visions of fat-cat, glad-handing,
multi-term, cigar-chomping politicians come to mind whenever the term lobbyist is used. And while I will make no excuses for
politicians who are proven to be unethical in their financial dealings, I will suggest that the focused eye of condemnation
be cast at the individuals and organizations who find it so easy to “augment” our system of government with the
allure of easy money...
Joe Mariani: A National Security Double Standard It may be both entertaining and instructive to compare the
Left's shifting positions on national security under different circumstances. It seems that whether Liberals and Democrats
celebrate or condemn security leaks depends solely on whether the situation can be used to benefit them politically...
Jan Larson: Zawahiri Confirms Dems' Strategy is Working The John Murtha, Nancy Pelosi, Howard Dean wing of the Democratic
Party (that is, pretty much the entire Democratic Party with the notable exception of Joe Lieberman) received confirmation
last week that their strategy for Iraq (cut and run) is working. That confirmation came from none other than al Qaeda's second
in command, Ayman Al-Zawahiri, in a taped message broadcast on the al Qaeda News Network otherwise known as Al-Jazerra...
Gregory Rummo: Intelligent Design is Not About Religion "If it could be demonstrated that any complex organ existed,
which could not possibly have been formed by numerous successive, slight modifications, my theory would absolutely break down.”
–Charles Darwin, “Origins”...
Lee P. Butler: The Religious Hypocrisy Of Liberals One month before Election Day, many liberal politicians from
Bill and Hillary Clinton to John Kerry practically live inside churches across the country and make sure every media camera
possible is video-taping their presence as they gleefully take part in the religious activities including singing with the
Randall H. Nunn: No Man's Liberty is Safe Mark Twain once said that “no man’s life, liberty,
or property is safe while Congress is in session.” The liberal Democrats in the Senate opposing Judge Samuel Alito’s
confirmation to the U.S. Supreme Court are a testament to that statement. The Democrats opposing Alito generally seek to expand
the federal government’s power at the expense of state government authority and individual personal liberty...
Mike Burleson: America's Freedom Fighters Read the first few paragraphs of any novel and you can usually
tell what the rest is about. This is convenient in that you can know whether to read on, or if you’re wasting time.
Recently while browsing the prologue of a new western tale, I became aware of where the tale was going almost immediately...
Joe Bell: Believing All Will Be Saved Is Both Attractive
And Misguided “Good News,” the newspaper of the Episcopal Diocese
of Connecticut recently ran a story about Bishop Carlton Pearson, of Oklahoma, who preaches a “doctrine of inclusion.”
The article said Bishop Pearson lost 90 percent of his congregation “after adopting a universalist theology” and
began “holding services in Tulsa’s oldest and largest Episcopal church.” Bishop Pearson, who is not an Episcopalian,
founded Higher Dimensions Family Church in 1981...
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