 - The Quill Pen Ten -
27, 2005 - October 3, 2005
Welcome to another edition of the Quill Pen Ten. Veterans of the OpinionEditorials.com community know it as the QPT. The QPT is a collection of the ten most-interesting and most-popular op-eds of the preceding
The QPT is brought to you by your friends at Frontiers of Freedom. Frontiers is a non-profit, non-partisan
public policy organization dedicated to protecting the constitutional rights of all Americans and restoring constitutional
limits on the extent and power of government.
Presenting the Quill Pen Ten:
Lee P. Butler: Liberal Democrats Just Find It Easier To Be Stuck On Stupid During a recent news conference, reporters were in full-fledged belligerent attack Bush
mode as they kept bombarding the speakers who were there to talk about preparations in association with hurricane Rita, that
was threatening the Gulf coast, with questions about hurricane Katrina...
Doug Hagin: The Assault on Self-Defense! The debate over gun control is decades old, it is also going to continue to rage on for
decades to come. For many who do not really take sides or think the debate is just another partisan political fight which
does not effect them, there is a new shining example of how there is no escaping this debate...
Dan Abbett: It Took a Hurricane Some would argue that the "new media" has offset the monopoly the mainstream media once
enjoyed in reporting the "news." The unchecked regurgitation of disaster propaganda, not even disguised anymore as news, brings
that argument into serious question. In light of overwhelming negative reporting, the sensationalism, the race to find the
disaster, the agenda driven descriptions of destruction by the media in the wake of hurricanes Katrina and Rita, it is nearly
impossible to remain upbeat...
Warner Todd Huston: Can We Fix The Decline In Marriage?- Brookings Gets it Right The Brookings Institute, generally a left leaning think tank, and Princeton University,
need we say more, have come together to publish an interesting study that commends the Bush administration for its decision
to push federal programs for marriage education in the US. It is quite an even handed report and seems to confirm some things
that many on the right and many among the nation's religious community have been saying for decades. And its all the more
amazing considering from whence this report emanates, both usually liberal stalwarts...
R.A. Hawkins: Common Sense - (You Bet Your Life) Two weeks ago I said I was going to write an article on the moral imperative of being
prepared. Of course I didn't get to write that article because somebody knocked a tree into the phone line and there was no
way to get online for another two weeks. We lost power again because of hurricane Rita and we were right back to where we
had started out. Fortunately we had gotten to where we were pretty comfortable there. I had already stored several hundred
gallons of water. I always keep the tanks topped off and ready no matter what time of year it is...
Curt Day: What Evolution's Supporters and Opponents Share A trial will determine if a Pennsylvania school can teach both Evolution and Intelligent
Design. Two things should be mentioned here. First, it seems that opponents of Evolution are now seeking a place in schools
that their predecessors were not willing to give to Evolutionists when Creationism ruled the day. Second, we must note that
all of the adherents of Intelligent Design, Creationism and Evolution have two things in common...
James Atticus Bowden: Trust Bush, Verfiy Harriet Miers President Bush nominated a never-married, childless, unknown lawyer to the U.S. Supreme
Court. Just like Bush, The First, nominated David Souter. Souter has been a loser for our Constitutional Republic. Yet, this
other lawyer has been close to the President for years. Can she be trusted to be a strict constructionist Conservative? Bush
promised justices in the 'Scalia and Thomas' mold. Conservatives are asked to just trust Bush...
Lee Ellis: In War, Appeasement is a form of Surrender In Washington D.C., and other cities throughout the USA, there were crowds closely echoing
the chants of the Vietnam War, shouting, "Make Levees, Not War." In speeches, the leftist liars called President Bush who
gave us the truth as known then by the UN and our intelligence, "a liar," trying to prove, I guess, that liars are believed...
Uriah Kriegel: Just Cause: The Conservative Case for another Moderate Justice Of all the Katrina-related criticisms of Bush, perhaps the silliest is the one most likely
to prove truly damaging. This is the accusation that Bush is "out of touch" and "doesn't get it" - that the plight of ordinary
Americans cannot be genuinely comprehended from the heights of the Crawford-Yale aristocracy...
Gregory Rummo: Spirit of the Law Often More Important than its Rule During the confirmation hearings for Chief Justice Nominee John G. Roberts, I was struck
by the number of times his inquisitors tried to pry information from the Judge only to be reminded that their line of questioning
came close to a potential, future case about which he might be called on to issue an opinion. Not wanting to tip his hand,
Judge Roberts deferred from answering the senators' specific questions but made it plain that he would judge each case on
its own merits and by the "rule of law."...
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