 - The Quill Pen Ten -
10, 2005 - May 16, 2005
Welcome to another edition of the Quill Pen Ten. Veterans of the OpinionEditorials.com community know it as the QPT. The QPT is a collection of the ten most-interesting and most-popular op-eds of the preceding
The QPT is brought to you by your friends at Frontiers of Freedom. Frontiers is a non-profit, non-partisan
public policy organization dedicated to protecting the constitutional rights of all Americans and restoring constitutional
limits on the extent and power of government.
Presenting the Quill Pen Ten:
Nancy Salvato: Follow the Money Money and receiving an education are almost synonymous in this day and age. You certainly
have to have one to have the other. But I wonder how many people really know how or what their individual tax dollars actually
contribute to their own child's education.
Bonnie Alba: Intelligent Design - What Do the Naturalists Have Against It? The Kansas hearings on Intelligent Design and Evolution have turned into the usual media
circus. The press continues to follow the path of least resistance, supporting the scientists who proclaim that "Evolution
is an established theory." Yet those scientists provide no answers to the scientists offering ID.
Diane M. Grassi: U.S. Security Still Threatened by Pork & Politics It is now nearly four years after September 11, 2001 and billions and billions of dollars
have been spent on domestic security. It includes $4.5 billion on screening devices to protect our homeland, $2.2 billion
for first-responders in all fifty states and U.S. territories and a new FBI database software security system costing $170
million which has been totally scrapped. In addition the airport screeners solely hired by the federal government in the aftermath
of 9/11 have proven no more effective than those working for private screening contractors according to the Government Accountability
Agency in a report issued in May 2005.
Matthew Holmes: It Depends On What The Meaning Of The Word 'Loser' Is You'd think before liberals started passing judgment on their opponents, they'd at least
pull out the old dictionary every once in a while. Instead, the party of 'tolerance', 'compassion', and 'inclusion' continues
to take childish potshots at President Bush.
Joshua Dwyer: Lessons from VE Day This week marked the sixtieth anniversary of V-E Day, the occasion on which America led
her allies to victory over Hitler's Germany. While it calls for celebration as the end of the six years of World War II in
Europe, V-E Day should also be remembered as the beginning of 50 years of Soviet domination in Eastern Europe.
Randall H. Nunn: The Most Expensive Real Estate in America A couple of weeks ago, The Wall Street Journal ran a front page article concerning the
U.S.'s largest gas field that lies under Fort Worth, Texas, saying that there are now 90 natural gas drilling rigs boring
holes in and around Fort Worth, some of them in residential neighborhoods and under golf courses. The thought occurred to
me that if we have the capability of drilling wells in and around a city of over 1 million people without destroying property
values and degrading the environment, surely we can do the same on a couple of thousand acres of the Arctic National Wildlife
Refuge ("ANWR").
Warner Todd Huston: Senator Chuck Schumer Is Why Americans Don't Trust Politicians Early this week, Senator Chuck Schumer (D, New York) took to the floor of the United
States Senate to give a speech of position on the current issue of the Democrats' filibuster of Bush's judicial nominees.
Bonnie Chernin Rogoff: The Filibuster Showdown: Not A Lott To Be Thankful For Long before there was a threat of Senate filibusters and before Senator Harry Reid became
Senate Minority Leader, there was a tense exchange of words between two Republican contenders for President. The exchange
occurred between Senator John McCain (RINO-Arizona) and Dr. Alan Keyes during a GOP debate.
Doug Hagin: Time to Secure our Border Mr. President Take a moment to consider all of the pressing issues facing America today. There is a
war we are waging, and rightfully so, to rid the threat of Islamo-Fascist terror. That might rightfully, be placed right at
the very top of our national concerns.
Lee P. Butler: Obstruction Is Liberal Democrats Only Agenda The saga of obstructionism that is the entirety of the Democrat agenda on Capitol Hill
may well turn a new corner soon when Senator Bill Frist (R-Tenn) stops the unprecedented filibuster by Democrats of President
Bush's judicial nominees.
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